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Endpoint protection for government and contractors

Protecting sensitive data and credibility

Governments of all sizes have been the target of successful cyberattacks in recent years. Local municipalities are attractive targets for bad actors. as these "soft targets" often lack the resources to protect themselves from persistent cyber threats like those from nation-state groups. The recent push towards developing "smart" cities places more reliance on internet connectivity, creating an even greater need for cities to implement robust cybersecurity strategies. Whether they seek to extort a ransom payment, steal valuable data, or disrupt society, governments across the globe remain a focus for many cyber criminals.

Recent government breaches

In May 2023, the City of Dallas fell victim to Royal ransomware, disrupting police communications. Dallas is the 9th largest city in the U.S., with over 2.5 million residents. Nearly 20% of all cyberattacks target governments and public administrations. Almosthalf of US cities report that their cybersecurity policies don’t align with industry best practices.

Protecting critical infrastructure

Society's dependence on technology leaves it vulnerable. Governments must maintain a resilient security posture to protect the infrastructure relied upon by their citizens. Everything from electricity to water treatment to food shipment depends on infrastructure. Attacks such as the ransomware incident with JBS Foods and the Colonial Pipeline are two recent examples of successful attacks on critical infrastructure.

State of government entities

Providing protection & earning trust

ThreatLocker® has allowed us to provide our clients with genuine security and gives us peace of mind.
Marc Caruso
We can sleep easier knowing viruses aren't installing things, employees aren't installing things, and nothing is running without someone getting an alert and having eyes on it and approving it.
Nicholas DeFrancesco
Help Desk Coordinator
Cybersecurity = Patient Safety. The threat of viruses, ransomware, PUPs, and the resultant downtime and risk to data have been drastically reduced
Conor S
Director of Business Development

Awards and recognition


Proactive approach to cybersecurity

Unlike antivirus or traditional EDR, ThreatLocker Allowlisting solution puts you in control of what software, scripts, executables, and libraries can run on your endpoints and servers. This approach stops not only malicious software in its tracks but also stops other unpermitted applications from running. This process greatly minimizes cyber threats and other rogue applications from running on your network.

Prevent the weaponization of legitimate tools

Normally, applications have access to all the same data as the end user. If an application is absolutely necessary, ThreatLocker Ringfencing can implement Zero Trust controls comparable to, but more granular than, traditional application containment tools. ThreatLocker Ringfencing controls what applications are able to do once they are running. By limiting how software can interact on your devices, ThreatLocker can reduce the likelihood of an exploit being successful or an attacker weaponizing legitimate tools such as PowerShell. These controls can prevent applications from interacting with another application, your files, data, or the internet.

Limit application hopping for administrators

Elevation Control puts IT administrators in the driver’s seat, enabling them to control specific applications that can run as a local admin without giving users local admin rights. With applications such as QuickBooks that need to run with local admin access, elevation control can limit that access without impacting operational workflow, which can prevent the further spread of an attack, like application hopping, in case there is a breach in the endpoint.

Control storage devices and data access

ThreatLocker Storage Control provides policy-driven control over storage devices, whether the storage device is a local folder, a network share, or external storage such as a USB drive. Storage Control allows you to set granular policies, such as blocking USB drives or blocking access to your backup share except when your backup application is accessed.


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