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Configuration Manager

ThreatLocker® Configuration Manager enables IT professionals to set best practice configuration policies across their environment from a single central console.

Why is Configuration Manager important?

Traditionally, companies require components of group policy from Active Directory (AD) to set Windows configurations, requiring users to be on the network or using an AD domain. Today's business network isn't always isolated to a single AD domain, making setting and enforcing configurations difficult.

ThreatLocker Configuration Manager allows IT admins to set standardized Windows configurations, such as automatic lock policies, disabling Universal Plug and Play, and disabling autoplay, or blocking SMB v1 from one central location, whether or not the computers are connected to an AD domain.

How does Configuration Manager work?

ThreatLocker Configuration Manager provides a centralized, policy-driven portal where IT admins can set configuration policies per individual endpoint, computer group, organization, or across multiple organizations. Admins can quickly manage important security configurations from a single pane of glass.

Frequently asked questions

Can we add my own policies that aren't listed in Configuration Manager?

At this time, custom policies are not currently possible in Configuration Manager. If you have a suggestion for this, please submit a feature request at

Can we block command prompt, PowerShell, and other system tools?

Yes, Command Prompt, PowerShell, and other system tools can be blocked or limited with Configuration Manager.

Can we block just the command prompt but still allow CMD or PowerShell to run?

Yes. Specific Command Prompt and PowerShell scripts can be permitted even if the executables are usually blocked.

Can we block the control panel with Configuration Manager?

Yes, at this time, Control Panel can be almost entirely blocked.

Do Configuration Manager policies take precedence over Active Directory?

Yes, Configuration Manager policies will reapply every 5 minutes.


Centralized Password Policy Configuration Icon

Centralized password policy configuration

Set password requirements such as length, complexity, and change frequency from a single policy, across an entire organization, or across multiple organizations from a central location.

User Account Management Icon

User account management

Rename local administrator accounts and apply a unique rotating password to each computer for their local admin account, making it more challenging for credentials to be compromised.

Set Boundaries for MS Office Icon

Set boundaries for MS Office

Provides access to disable all downloaded macros and OLE in MS Office documents.

Control Social Media Access Icon

Control user social media access

Select which social media platforms are acceptable or disable all the common platforms to keep employees productive and protect their business environment.

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