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ThreatLocker University

ThreatLocker University is a free learning platform where we empower our clients to learn more about utilizing our products and navigating our platform. Everyone is welcome to create a free account, regardless of whether you are a client, a prospect, or someone who is curious about what ThreatLocker® does.

How To Access

You can access our learning platform at ThreatLocker University.

For guidance on how to create a ThreatLocker University account, please visit our Knowledge Base article, How to Create a ThreatLocker University Account.

Power User Permissions

Inside the ThreatLocker University platform, users are categorized as Learners or Power Users. Power Users get special permissions to manage their team as a branch.

Power User Permissions Include:

  • Viewing who is in your branch.
  • Creating and assigning users to your branch.
  • Assigning learning plans to your users/branch.
  • Assigning courses to your user(s)/branch.
  • Creating and monitoring deadlines for your branch.
ThreatLocker University Sign-in Screen

Becoming a ThreatLocker University Power User

If you're interested in becoming a Power User in ThreatLocker University, please create a support ticket requesting Power User access.

Cybersecurity Insights

ThreatLocker® offers several blogs with free information to help inform the public about the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape.