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November 1, 2023
11:00 am

The Most Vulnerable Time of Year

Build the Optimal Lights Out Checklist


Protect Yourself From Cyberattacks on Holidays and Long Weekends!

Around the globe, the holiday season marks the most wonderful time of the year. Business owners and employees have their minds preoccupied with holiday festivities like traveling, seeing family, and relieving their thoughts of the stresses of work.

Unfortunately, at the same time, cybercriminals are also enacting their malicious schemes, making it the most vulnerable time of year...

Danny Jenkins and Rob Allen of ThreatLocker cover what you can do to build the ultimate lights-out checklist!

Watch the webinar recording to:

  • Hear which cyberattacks have occurred during the holidays and how they could have been mitigated.
  • Discover what you can do to implement stronger cyber defenses during the holidays and year-round.
  • Build a lights out checklist when you and your staff are gone for the weekend.

Read our in-depth blog on how to build a lights out checklist.

Tune into the live event to:

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