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August 18, 2022
11:00 am

The Experts Guide to Hardening Windows Servers

Learn how to stop cyberattacks in their tracks

Webinar Thumbnail image of The Experts Guide to Hardening Windows Servers

How to Secure Windows Servers!

As an IT Professional, finding ways to harden your servers against cyberattacks, without shutting down business-critical services and stopping day-to-day business operations, is a vital task. Whilst there is no silver bullet to prevent a server from being compromised, there are a few steps you can take that will help you reduce the risk.

Join a ThreatLocker Cyber Hero and a panel of industry experts for a peer-to-peer discussion on the importance of hardening your Windows Servers. They will discuss the steps you need to take to better protect your business and show you how to streamline your cybersecurity efforts to help minimize risk.

Watch the webinar recording to:

  • The essential steps you need to take to harden your Windows Servers
  • How to secure your IT Infrastructure to help protect your business from cyberattacks
  • Take a deep dive into the ThreatLocker solution to see how we can secure and protect your endpoints
  • And more!

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