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August 15, 2023
11:00 am

Stop Hackers From Abducting Your Data

A Living Off the Land Attack Mitigation Demo

ThreatLocker Stop Hackers From Abducting Your Data Webinar Thumbnail

What is a Living Off the Land (LOTL) Attack?

Danny Jenkins, Rob Allen, and Collin Ellis of ThreatLocker demonstrate living off the land (LOTL) attacks via PowerShell, cURL, and boo.exe hacking, and proper mitigation techniques!

Watch the webinar recording to:

  • Witness real LOTL hacking scripts in effect on a victim machine.
  • Learn the importance of implementing preventative control into your environment.
  • See how threat actors can work around ChatGPT's attempt to reject malware script requests.
  • Discover how utilizing Zero Trust application controls can stop the weaponization of trusted applications on your endpoints.

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