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October 19, 2023
11:00 pm

Rubber Ducky 2023

More than just a USB...


What is a USB Rubber Ducky?

Why are IT Professionals filling their USB ports with glue.?  

To the average user, a rubber ducky looks like another USB device. Really, they imitate keyboards and gain your device’s trust to deliver payloads by injecting keystrokes.

Danny Jenkins, Rob Allen, and Ivan Fonseca demonstrate how threat actors can use rubber duckies to spy on you and your employees through your webcam!

Watch the webinar recording to:

  • Discover a tool utilized by penetration testers and weaponized by threat actors
  • Witness real hacking techniques used by threat actors
  • Learn strategies to mitigate a rubber ducky payload injection

Read more about Rubber Duckies in this ThreatLocker blog

Watch our webinar on Rubber Duckies from a year prior where Danny blue screened Rob's machine!

Tune into the live event to:

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