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November 17, 2022
11:00 am

Expanding Endpoint Protection for MSPs

Lockdown policies for your RMM

ThreatLocker Expanding Endpoint Protection for MSPs Webinar Thumbnail

Find out what ThreatLocker's recent acquisition of Third Wall™ means for you

When protecting your devices against modern-day cyber threats, your firewall acts as the first “wall” of defense, and your antivirus is your second. Third Wall™ steps in as your third wall of protection, allowing you to shut down entry points and enforce operational cybersecurity by utilizing policies and protocols to prevent and rapidly react to breaches in your organization.

Watch the webinar recording to:

  • Discover the latest technologies in lockdown protection and how it can ensure you are User Logs, GDPR, SOX, HIPAA, NIST, and PCI compliant
  • Learn how these automated lockdown policies will be incorporated into ThreatLocker's offerings
  • Learn how this can give you a competitive edge and improve your cybersecurity stack
  • Discover how audits can build on client relations and provide better visibility for end-users

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