Any attempt to infiltrate an individual’s or organization’s data storage or information systems usually for destructive purposes or financial gain.
A computer that an attacker will use to communicate with and control devices they have taken over.
The ability to personalize settings to better fit a specific task/need.
Systems, applications, and operations that are cloud-based are hosted or conducted via the internet.
A physical or virtual device that can imitate most other physical and virtual devices. They can be used to lure attackers for users to study their behaviors.
An advanced version of regular ACLs that requires users to authenticate themselves through tenant before that can access any resources.
Ransomware that threatens to release a victim’s sensitive data if the ransom is not paid by a certain deadline.
Each member of this group holds administrative rights across all domains within an organization.
A step-by-step procedure that leads to the recovery of an organization’s data and operations if it were to be impacted by a cyberattack.
A strict policy that does not allow anything to operate unless it is specifically pre-approved.
In software, dependencies refer to other files that are required for the software to run, i.e., DLLs.
Determined what protective measures you implement to keep your safe from cyber threats.
Determined by how you store your data and the policies you set on who or what can access it.
The act of unauthorized, illegal transfer of confidential data, normally personal data like health records, financial data, and personal identifiable data.
Takes advantage of vulnerabilities within a system or software to perform malicious acts like installing ransomware.
Any code, file, or program that instructs a computer to perform an action or set of actions upon it being opened on said computer.
Software solution designed to integrate multiple systems used within the enterprise environment to streamline processes and ease management burden.
An individual using a product, device, or service.
A cybersecurity solution that monitors endpoint devices for signs of compromise and sends alerts to IT admins.
Machines that connect to and communicate with an organization’s network. Examples include desktop computers, work phones, virtual machines, and servers.
Converting data and information, sensitive or not, into code to protect it and prevent any unauthorized access.
Elevation Control enables users to run specific applications as a local administrator, even when they do not have local admin privileges.
EDRs monitor and record activities and workloads taking place on a device. Using various techniques, EDRs will work to detect any suspicious activity and respond accordingly. EDR enables IT administrators to view suspicious activity in near real-time across an organization's endpoints. Focusing on behavioral patterns and unusual activity, EDRs will work to block threats and protect devices.