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Approval Process

Learn about the ThreatLocker® approval process and why it's essential for both IT professionals and business operations.

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What Is an Approval Process?

An approval process is a set workflow, made up of sequences and steps that must be followed in order for an item(s) to be approved. Implementing an approval process helps businesses to streamline requests and processes, whilst helping to standardize workflows.

Why Do Businesses Need an Approval Process?

The purpose of Allowlisting is to allow what's needed to run and block everything else by default. One of the challenges of implementing Allowlisting has always been the time it takes and the complexity of permitting new applications to run. Permitting new applications with ThreatLocker is a seamless process. A blocked file can be requested, evaluated, approved, and allowed to run within 60 seconds.

Illustration of what ThreatLocker Approval process looks like for End Users

Why Is the Approval Process So Important?

  • It helps to permit wanted change.
  • Standardize processes.
  • Save time and resources.
  • Improve business efficiency.
Illustration of what ThreatLocker Approval Process looks for IT admins when request come in

How Does the ThreatLocker® Approval Process Work?

This approval process can be summarized as follows; an execution is blocked, a request is sent by the user, it’s evaluated by the administrator, and if permitted, within 60 seconds it can run.

When a file gets blocked by ThreatLocker, the user can request permission from an administrator.

Once the user clicks the 'Request Access' button, the request window will populate.

Illustration of what ThreatLocker Approval Request pop up Looks like

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